How to use Magic School AI? AI Assistant for Teachers

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Magic School AI

Featured, Reviews

Magic School AI caters to educators, offering a suite of AI-powered tools to streamline their work and improve efficiency. It helps them generate engaging lesson plans, differentiate instruction for students with varying needs, and find multiple explanations for complex concepts. Apart from this, the ai tools on the website are capable of doing many more things. 

Now, let’s discuss the interface of the website –


When you visit the magic school ai website, you will see three horizontal bars at the right corner, a learn more link and sign up link. After scrolling a bit, you’ll see a “see the wall of love” link which consists of all the testimonials the website has got. Plus, from here, you can also add your experiences with the platform. Then, there is information about the website like how teachers can benefit from it. 

At the end, there is again a sign up link. If you want to create your account on the platform, you can click on it. Below this, there are the following sections – 

  • Mission: It has details about the goals and mottos of the website. 
  • Blog: When you move to this section, there are categories of the blogs at the top of the page. If you want to read blogs of a specific category, you can click on them. Otherwise, you just need to scroll down through the page to go through the blog topics. 
  • Privacy: This section consists of the explanation of how magic school ai takes care of your privacy. 
  • Terms: Terms explain the terms and conditions of using the website. 
  • Community: When you click on this, you’ll be redirected to the facebook page of the website. If you wanna join that, you can just click on “join group.” 

Following these options, there are links to the platform’s social media pages. If you wanna join them, just click on the platform’s icon and it will redirect you to the website’s page. 

Lastly, there is the contact detail of the ai tool. If you have any queries or anything regarding the website, you can mail them at the given email.

Three Horizontal Lines

It has 6 options – work with us, community, resources, about, login and sign up free. 

Work With Us

It tells why you should use this platform, what you will get if you sign up and some questions that might pop-up in your head. Above this explanation, there is a “apply now” link. It’s for special discount. When you click on it, you’ll be asked some of your details. At the end of the form, there is the submit option. You need to click on it after filling in the details. 


Community section is subdivided into 4 portions – awards, ai pioneers, love and shop. 


Awards contain the names of the educators who have done something outstanding using the ai. If you wanna name someone for this award, you can click on the given link that says “help us name the educator of the year.”

AI Pioneer

If you wanna join the pioneer program of magic school ai, you can use the link given on this page. You just need to click on that, fill in the required details and click on submit. 


Love contains all the testimonials people have given to the website. 


It has magic school items that you can order if you like. At the top left side, there is a search option that you can use to look for the item you are looking for. At the right side, there is the cart option. 

About the shopping process, firstly select the item, answer other questions, and then pay for the item. That’s it. 


Resources section is further divided into the following portions – faq, magic tools, use cases, blog, PD resources and magic student. 

FAQ has almost all the questions that you can think about. Magic Tools has links to more than 60 ai tools. The list and features of all these tools are mentioned in front of their link. Use cases have different sections and under each, the top tools are mentioned. For example, there is a section called science teachers. Under that, all the necessary and top tools for a science teacher are given.

Blog section takes you to all the content the website has posted. PD resources tells you about how you can use their resources in your classroom effectively.  And the last is the magic student section. It has faqs and videos about how the platform can help students. 


The about section has three divisions – mission, privacy and careers. Careers has job postings, privacy contains the explanation of how the platform secures your data and mission tells about the motto of the website. 

Login and Sign Up

Login page asks you for your login credentials and sign up is for those new users. 

End Note

Magic school ai is a website that offers more than 60 different ai tools for teachers. These tools not only help them with plan creation but also help them in crafting quizzes, save time, improve efficiency and many other things. So if you are a teacher, you can think about giving it a try. 

Doubting if you really should sign up on it? You can go through the website once; it will help you decide.

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